We’re a multi-generational presbyterian church serving DeLand, Florida.
Join us for worship each Sunday at 10:30 AM.
Learn more about worshiping with us
Deren Harper
Senior Pastor
Deren has a passion to see the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ transform our hearts, lives, and community. He has been serving Immanuel since 2003, first as Director of Outreach and Missions, and now as Senior Pastor. Deren is married to Ellen and they have four children: Noah, Joseph, Micah and Isaiah. Deren and Ellen have both served on the global mission field.
Tyler Kenney
Associate Pastor
Tyler provides leadership for the Christian growth and outreach ministries of Immanuel. He also assists in teaching and leading worship. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Clemson University in his home state of South Carolina and a Master of Divinity degree from Bethlehem Seminary in Minneapolis. He met his wife, Kristen, while in Minnesota, and in 2014 they moved to sunny central Florida. They have two children, James and Johanna.
We exist to magnify the fame of Jesus Christ and the power of His Gospel from DeLand to the ends of the earth.
What We Believe
The Bible
We stand under the Word of God, not above it. The Bible is inerrant and complete. That doesn't mean it's easy to understand, so we devote ourselves to studying it together, and applying it to our lives.
The Westminster Standards
We believe that God's Word presents a coherent system of truth. This truth has been accurately and faithfully described in the Westminster Standards. Though the Bible is the only infallible rule of faith and practice, all of our church leaders are required to sincerely receive and adopt these standards.
The Presbyterian Church In America
Immanuel Presbyterian belongs to the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a denomination holding to the historic Christian faith, committed to planting new churches in North America, and proclaiming the gospel around the world. Learn more at pcanet.org.
What We Value
The Surpassing Worth of God
God alone is our supreme value in all things.
The Authority of the Bible
We joyfully place ourselves under the authority of the Bible as God’s inspired, inerrant, infallible, and infinitely profitable Word for His people. // View our current Bible studies.
The Power of the Gospel
We believe the Gospel is the trustworthy and powerful message of the saving person and work of Jesus Christ. We cherish this message as the only means by which mankind may be reconciled to God and transformed by Him to live for His glory. // Learn more about this message.
A Passion for Worship
We will celebrate and commend God’s saving work in Jesus Christ through vibrant, God-centered worship. // Learn more about worshiping with us.
A Love for the Lost
We share our God’s passion for the redemption and recovery of the lost in our world through Jesus Christ. // See some ways we’re seeking to reach the lost.
The Nature of the Church
We believe that God has appointed and equipped every member as a minister to serve Him in His church. // Ask about church membership and opportunities to serve.
Our Reformation Heritage
We treasure the world-transforming truths recovered and advanced through the Reformation. // See what we believe.
Serving Our Community
We are committed to transforming our community and culture through the power of Christ’s Gospel. // See some ways we’re seeking to do this.